Member Benefits

  • Monthly newsletter
  • Interactive community board
  • Access member directory
  • Find collaborators across the country
  • Exclusive member events
  • Exclusive training materials

Register to join our network

Participants in the HSI STEM hub network are faculty, staff, and administrators with a verifiable .gov, .org, or .edu email address. Participants who register using private email service providers may have their account deleted without notice, or asked to update their email to an acceptable .gov, .org, or .edu address. Information you provide should be publicly available through your institution, LinkedIn, ORCID, Google Scholar, or any other public pages. Registering for the HSI STEM Professionals Network makes any information you provide on your profile publicly available (excluding login information) so that other users can find you to collaborate!
Show Term of Use

Experiencing issues with the registration form? Contact us at [email protected]

Participants in the HSI STEM hub network are faculty, staff, and administrators with a verifiable email address.

Information you provide should be publicly available through your institution, Linked in, ORCID, google scholar, etc pages.

Registering for the HSI STEM Professionals Network makes any information you provide on your profile publicly available (excluding login information) so that other users can find you to collaborate!

Please Read Carefully before Registering.

If your registration form is successfully completed, you will be redirected to a page that confirms this. If you are not redirected to a successful submission confirmation page, please scroll through all fields to ensure that there are no error messages associated with the content you have provided.